Sunday, March 29, 2009

Guitar Hero

I have been spending alot of my time playing video games instead of being out in the streets doing who knows what. I try to stay out of trouble and this is one of my methods for doing so.
So if I dont answer your supposedly very important chain letter or text message.

This is what I'm doing.
If I'm online on aim and your instant messages are not getting responded to.
This is what I'm doing.
Trying to hit me up on Myspace and you told Tom to delete me because I'm not responding to your comments or messages..
This is what I'm doing

Guitar Hero is dee Best !!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Over the past few months I've been havin fun.
But from Monday to...

I have to be on my educational grind.

Supposedly from now on determines the rest of my life but..

Lately things have been getting hostile in this crumb hole Poughkeepsie I have to call home. For now... People getting jumped, robbed,knocked out,shot,stabbed, and locked up. But I guess this happens in all small inner citys where their goverments has no control. Well the goverment doesnt have control anywhere but hey they need to step they game up. Imma let it slide because now My President is Black.

As I sit here and chat with my friend Curt Lite I wonder if everything will turn out alright. Because....
  • I live for today and hope for tomorrow.|Drizzy flow|
  • "Idgaf about you or your weak crew".|Biggie|
  • It's me and her Fcuk the world.|Millie|
  • I party like it's 1999.|Gears of war 2|
  • And I think better when I'm not sober.|Drake|
Maybe when I'm older I will look back at my life and say I should have worked more than I played like my elders tell me I would but who are they. Just humans. Regular humans from planet Earth. Not some perfect beings that had a pefect life with no flaws. Same humans that was doing the same shit I was doing only a few years before present day. Some advice they give -_-